Winter's Reflection: A Spiritual Support Group Registration & Information


Winter's Reflection: A Spiritual Support Group Registration & Information

from $60.00

6-Week Facilitated Spiritual Support Group: January 5, 2021 - February 9, 2021 - Tuesdays 7:00pm - 8:00pm via Zoom - Registration ends January 4, 2021.

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Winter’s Reflection: A Spiritual Support Group

6-weeks January 5, 2021 - February 9, 2021

Tuesdays 7:00pm - 8:00pm via Zoom

What is the Spiritual Support Group? Maybe it would be better called a Winters Reflection: Investigating Our True Nature For Greater Embodiment.

In the Buddhist tradition during the winter months the monastics enter winter retreat. This is a time when they came together to study and practice. A time for supporting one another in a more dedicated and focused way.

Winter is a time when nature slows down, growing and harvesting season is over, it's a time for replenishing ones reserves. It's the start of a new cycle, the hibernating and gestation before the birth of spring. And, it is a time for turning inward, listening deeply, and quiet reflection. A time when aided by the natural rhythms of nature we gently open to the silent calling of our heart and the mystery of our being.

With our six week spiritual support group we will be taking advantage of this natural cycle of nature and join monastics around the world who are entering a more intensive time of practice.

Though the teachings we will be exploring come from Buddhism, these are universal teachings that are not dependent upon a religion. Therefore, the group is open to anyone who feels called to contemplative practice.

Through our attention and intention we will join together to learn and explore different facets of our being in order to gain direct access to our pristine nature and its qualities of clarity, equanimity, wisdom and compassion and in living from our Awakened Nature. I invite you to join us for the 6 weeks as we connect, share and explore together. SEE BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROGRAM.

We are living in complex and challenging times in which being truly conscious, with an open mind and open heart, is of the utmost importance. Adyashanti reminds us, "This last year has been an ongoing reminder of the importance of being both personally and collectively conscious and awake to the inner forces and impulses that run through each of our lives.

The Buddha reminded us over 2,500 years ago that constant change and impermanence is the inherent nature of manifest existence. And yet within all of this change taking place there is the light of being, the awake quality of mind and consciousness that is the very foundation of our entire experience of being. It is this awake quality, with its naturally occurring clarity and heart-fullness, that is the true spirit of spirituality. And it is this awake quality, or spirit, that has the power to liberate us from endless confusion and sorrow, not only for our own sake, but for the sake of all beings.


During the Spiritual Support Group we will explore topics of discussion through dialogue, experiential exercises, meditation, and inquiry. This will be a fluid and fun journey utilizing tools such as journaling, art expression, somatic mediation and connecting with the body. All to facilitate a deeper connection with our Awake Being, providing clarity of and a fuller embodiment of its expression in our daily lives.

Each week we will explore a topic during our time together and then take the exploration into our daily lives throughout the week to facilitate embodying our insights which provides us greater clarity, peace of mind, and resiliency.


  • We will explore the often unconscious motivating forces in our life which includes looking at intentions, soul values vs conventional values & Five Attitudes for a spiritual journey in order to assist us in being aware of and live from our Awakened Consciousness.

  • We will explore natural ways awakened conscious responds to life and utilize practices to rest in the deepest dimensions of who are.

  • We will explore how, in the face of uncertainty, our obsessive need to “know” increases our suffering and inhibits clarity. And we will utilize practices to help us be more comfortable with uncertainty.

  • We will explore equanimity and how to be rooted in a depth of being this is not tossed about by the ups and downs of life.

  • We will explore opening to our innate wholeness and seeing through the belief of lack and future orientation which keeps us from realizing our already awakened consciousness.

  • We will explore cultivating clarity by deeply looking at the power of our thoughts and beliefs.

We will be integrating the topics into working with our emotions, beliefs, thoughts, relationships, and community which fosters greater connection with ourselves, others and all of life.


  • Journal

  • Crayons/pens/markers

  • Drawing paper or can use copy paper or mixed media paper

  • Old magazines


The 6-week facilitated Spiritual Support Group is being offered on a sliding scale basis ranging from $60 to $120 for the 6 weeks (which is $10 - $20 per group session).


Tuesdays: January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th & February 2nd & 9th


The Spiritual Support Group is a facilitated closed group. Meaning, it will only be open to those that register by the registration deadline. This allows us to create a sacred and safe space together.


We will utilize the Zoom platform and each participant is asked to have their video on during our session. This allows us to connect with one another, to feel safe in each others presence, and fosters a sacred container.


In order to support one another and create a safe and sacred container for our time together it is asked that all participants agree to the following:

  • Participants agree to be present and on time for the group.

  • Participants agree to have their video on during the group sessions.

  • Participants agree to maintain confidentiality of our group.

  • Participants agree to speak from their own experience, avoiding advice giving or trying to “fix” other participants.

This group is not a "therapy” group and not to be used as a substitute for mental health counseling or services.