Each of the forms below are fillable PDFs. Which means you can download them to your computer and fill them out on your computer. You then save them and email them to me at yeshe@ogyen-gatsal-ling.com or, if we are meeting in person, you can print the form and bring it with you to our first appointment.


Spiritual Mentoring relationship agreement

Prior to your Spiritual Mentoring appointment please download and sign the Spiritual Inquiry & Spiritual Mentoring/Direction Relationship Agreement. Please either email it back to me at yeshe@ogyen-gatsal-ling.com or bring it to our session (if we are meeting in person).

Flower Essence form

If you are interested in Flower Essences as part of your Spiritual Mentoring session please download the Flower Essence Questionnaire, complete the form, and either email it to me at yeshe@ogyent-gatsal-ling.com or bring it with you to your appointment (if we are meeting in person).